An aggressive campaign is currently being waged by Austrian Partisans to dominate the Vermont cultural scene. A series of serious forays, to capture the hearts, minds and palates of our citizenry is under way and shows no sign of abatement. Should this pressure keep up, we can expect to soon be recognized as the Grüner Mountain State. The springtime hills are now alive with the sounds of corks popping. Vermont is already well known for having allowed quite a few of these fresh and tempting drinks to fill our homes and stemware, and we now may be Trapped by them.
Blaufränkly, I don’t give a damn.
I, for one, welcome our Austrian wine overlords…
March 26 – Liquid Art – Killington
Austrian Wine Dinner – 8 PM
April 8 – The Victorian Inn – Wallingford
Austrian Wine Dinner – 5:30 PM
April 9 – Cafe Provence – Brandon
Austrian Wine Tasting w/ Carlo Huber – 5:30 PM
April 23 – Hen of the Wood – Burlington
BIG Austrian Wine Tasting w/ 7 winemakers attending! 6PM